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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dallas, TX

Writing you from Dallas, Texas. Yesterday we were in New Orleans, and if you've never been there, you really should consider checking it out sometime. What a cool my opinion at least.

I haven't really seen much of Dallas yet, but I did experience a local Mexican music radio station. I LOVE IT! I really do. It was traditional, but had this modern twist on it. Very interesting sound.

We have 11 more days until we come home, and then have a few weeks before we are back out again. It is a little weird to think about coming home from one tour to leave for another one shortly after, but kinda cool at the same time. We are excited to do the dates with Lydia when we get back, but we wish the dates with So Long Forgotten never had to end.

Off to see the Grassy Knoll.