"Today Brother Lawrence spoke to me quite openly and with great enthusiasm about his manner of going to God. He said the most important part lay in renouncing, once and for all, whatever does not lead to God."
-excerpt from The Practice of the Presence of God
Recently the band was on a tour that lasted a little over 2 weeks with two other bands. These guys (other bands) quickly became like family to us. Money, food, even clothes openly shared when needed. Conversations constantly. If this band (the one I am in) fell apart today, it definitely already served it's purpose for me on this tour. I feel that some major steps were taken for me. I would like to share/rant about the things my heart has learned in the past month.
Why keep those things in your life that you always are questioning if they are right or wrong. Why keep a computer in your room if it continually has you locking the door and looking at porn? Why keep dating that girl if she isn't pushing you forward in your walk with Christ? Why do we do all these things each day that separate us from Him. He IS real. He isn't a story. Getting older, I have realized how the enemy has used doubt, and media, and even friends to convince me what I believe in is a fabrication. You ever stopped to think that maybe YOU need to reach out, and make some actual steps to being with the Lord? I think a major part for me in what was (and still is) stopping me from being so close to the Lord that doubt is conquered, is that I am not willing to lay down the things in my life that I feel are "important". I love when those cheesy "christian slogans" and christian song lyrics actually make since. He died for us, so why can't we LIVE for him? This life really is only temporary. I know He is merciful, but if he really is my all, wouldn't I DO my all. I don't want to live a mediocre life anymore.
I will be disabling comments on this post, because I would rather you email me about it. I would love to talk to anyone that wants to share their mind.
ContactMarkTodd[at]gmail.comLord teach us what it is like to truly follow you. To be willing to lay down all that we are doing, and follow you.
"...another disciple said to Jesus,"Lord, let me wait till I bury my father." Jesus answered,"Come with me, and let the dead bury their dead." -Matthew 8:21-22